Jesus is the Gardener

Jesus saves


* In Honduras – 49% Of Those Living In Rural Areas Are Malnourished and 23% Of Children Between 6 Months To 5 Years Old Have Incurable, Life-Long Malnutrition. 

Currently, we have egg laying hens and a small garden on the property we are renting. Those eggs are being used to provide much needed nourishment to children in our community.

We are looking to purchase some land where we can establish THE GARDEN MISSION headquarters and begin a life giving farm/training center that brings healing to both the land and people.

Our vision is to be able to grow healthy, organic food in order to feed widows, the fatherless and the malnourished on a regular basis. Along with that we will educate and empower families to be able to grow their own food. The Garden will also provide jobs for locals so that they can support their family without leaving the village they know and love. The Garden Mission property will be a place where people can be trained in permaculture, life-giving agriculture and the gospel. We envision a property where healing happens and life overflows!



Pastured Poultry

We want to grow the healthiest chicken possible and teach others how to do the same. This is done by keeping them on fresh grass and allowing them to express their “chickenness” (to use a Joel Salatin word). Chickens were made to scratch the ground, forage for bugs, see the light of day, fertilize the grass, etc. This not only makes happier chickens, but it also produces healthy chickens for eating (which makes happy humans).


What is a Back To Eden garden?

It’s a regenerative organic gardening system that allows nature to function the way God designed it to function. Remember when He looked at His creation and said, “It is good”? The Back To Eden method does not till the ground (which kills beneficial micro-organisms in the soil) and does not use chemical fertilizers and sprays (which destroy the soil even more and kills beneficials like worms and bees). It’s a truly organic approach that builds healthy soil instead of depleting it. As healthy soil is built it gets better and better over time instead of worse and worse as with the modern conventional method.

We have the conviction that God put everything we need to live healthy lives here on Earth and that our bodies can heal themselves. Our garden will be one that grows healthy, life giving food by God’s design. Not one that destroys His creation and depletes the soil and our bodies.

(Click HERE to watch the inspiring Back To Eden Documentary online for free!)


Have you ever eaten a truly pasture raised organic chicken egg?  The yoke is bright orange as opposed to barely yellow like most store bought eggs. Pasture raised chickens are allowed to free-range all over the yard eating bugs, grass and whatever else they can find. This helps produce very nutritious eggs that benefit people instead of harming them.

We currently have free-range chickens producing about 12 dozen eggs a week. These eggs are being used to feed children and families in need in our village.

Moringa Trees

Moringa is one of the most nutritious plants in the world! It’s a tree that thrives in tropical climates like ours. Check out the nutritional value below and you will quickly see why Moringa is one of the main things we want to focus on to help feed malnourished children.

Nutritional value of Moringa 

26% Protein by weight – 17 times the calcium of milk – 4 times the Vitamin A as carrots – 15 times the Potassium of bananas – 25 times the Iron of spinach – 7 times the Vitamin C of oranges – 92 Nutrients – 46 natural antioxidants



Eventually, we hope to incorporate aquaponics. Aquaponics is a beautiful thing! If you’ve ever seen an aquaponics system in operation then you would most likely agree with that statement. Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture, which is growing fish, and hydroponics which is growing plants without soil. It combines the two symbiotically by which plants (vegetables/fruit) are fed the fish discharge or waste. In return, the vegetable plant roots clean the water that goes back to the fish. And the cycle continues 24/7 effectively producing fish and veggies year round.