We have been praying since before we got married that God would reveal to us our specific assignment as a family. I, Kevin, have had a huge heart for missions for over 25 years ever since God broke my heart for the nations on my first mission trip in 1995. I have been heavily involved in missions work ever since then. But most of that was in my single years. 

Shortly before we got married in August of 2014 I stepped away from vocational ministry altogether. We felt the Lord was calling us into a season of discovering Him in a new way so we needed to walk away from pretty much everything we had known for most of our lives (except for relationship with brothers and sisters in Christ, of course). This journey took us away from institutional religion and into a time of restoring much of our faith and beliefs to be more Christ-centered instead of traditions centered. This season has caused us to question much of what we were taught growing up all the while keeping our hearts focused on Christ. “Hold tightly to Jesus and loosely to everything else” has been our motto. 

This caused me, Kevin, to even question how I had been “doing missions” for all those years. Through this journey with Christ outside the camp we have learned that we didn’t know as much as we thought we knew. As a matter of fact, we have often commented to each other how much we really don’t know! But, we continue to follow the One who knows it all and learn from Him. 

As you read on our website about The Garden Mission you will discover the pieces of our assignment that we have found. And as we continue on this journey with Christ He uncovers more of our assignment to us. One thing we know is that walking with Christ is always an adventure. The original mission God gave man in the Garden hasn’t changed. God hasn’t changed. Man didn’t always understand the mission or who God truly is. But Christ came to reveal the Father, restore mankind back to the Father, and get us back on mission.